Tuesday 8 October 2019


Hello, and welcome to the latest edition of the Autolycan.  I thought I'd better get it out quickly before something else happens and I have to change it all!  It's not easy being a political commentator.

As ever, I hope you like it and please feel free to pass on if you do.  Although you may find that like me you now can't get the tune out of your head........


Some talk of Mrs Thatcher's and some of Tony Blair's
Of Churchill's and Disraeli's and all their great forebears.
Of all these reputations there's none you have to fear
Like that of Brazen Boris, the British Brexiteer!

They never said that Parliament was the greatest show in town
Or claimed that it was paramount then tried to close it down.
Such arguments would be dismissed and never re-appear,
Until, that is, the coming of the British Brexiteer.

None of these ancient heroes e'er stood up to declare
That a border with the Irish both was and wasn't there.
They never would be skewered by the Impasse of the Year
But no such qualms afflict the baleful British Brexiteer.

The Old Etonian rhetoric is crossing new frontiers,
Though girly swots are proud to be the PM's chosen sneers,
Take Back Control! Get Brexit Done! will raise a raucous cheer
The slogans and the soundbites of the British Brexiteer.

He said we'd strike the greatest deals; we'd all get rich and plump.
But now it seems perhaps we won't - it's up to Mr Trump.
The pound is looking dodgy and the outlook's quite severe -
Don't be so gloomy – just believe!” – the British Brexiteer!

John-Claude, Michel and Donald can scarce believe their ears,
While Boris blusters on and sacks a score of mutineers.
His cohorts bay and stamp and shout, the nation's close to tears,
And this has all been going on for years and years and years!

And this will all be going on for years and years and years!

1 comment:

  1. Great bit of current history Master Don. I thouvht the poetry was just right too. Well done!
