Saturday 9 March 2019



Yes, I know it's been a long time since I posted anything on here - so long in fact that I've almost forgotten how!  I'll try to get back into the swing of it.

But a headline in the New Yorker piqued my interest, and for some reason put me in mind of Gilbert and Sullivan.........

Hope you like it, and please pass it on if you do!


                                                                              The New Yorker                                           

When a President's engaged in his employment
Surrounded by his sycophantic clans,
His capacity for nepotist deployment
Exceeds by far the average honest man's.

A simple clicking of my tiny fingers,
And a member of my family's preferred,
And though the smell of shadiness still lingers
Objections won't be entertained or heard.

I've Jared and Ivanka and young Donald in my court
Not one of them an honest artisan,
So for discipline and dominance perhaps I really ought..........
To make Stormy Daniels leading courtesan.

When venality and graft and shady dealing's to be done
The Commander's lot is such a happy one!

When a candidate with zero imperfections
But a wearisome opponent he must quell,
He must make sure he somehow wins elections
No matter what the lies he has to tell.

The stupid Dems put up this crooked dame,
So I'll hound her all the way from a to zee,
And I'll toss out streams of bile and dirt and blame,
Then lock her up and throw away the key.

And the country's being flooded by a sea of crooks and thieves
And all they know is steal and kill and brawl,
And it really doesn't matter whether anyone believes me..........
When I say we're gonna have to build a wall.

When boorishness and oafishness and cheating's to be done
The Commander's lot's a really happy one!

I'm the fittest man who's ever been your leader,
I'm tough and smart and oh so devious.
And anyone who labels me 'non-reader'.......
You're dealing with a stable genius.

I've done more in months than any man before me.
My achievements shine and sparkle such a treat,
So, you'd better get the message and adore me
Or I'll vilify and trash you with a tweet.

So, shameful but unchallenged, I am free to make the weather,
Why I'm still the boss is quite beyond my ken,
So you'd better shout and yell and rage and get your act together...........
Or you're gonna find I'm voted in again.

When getting rid of conmen or of tyrants must be done
The Commander's lot is NOT a happy one!


1 comment:

  1. This is brilliant. I am in awe of your ability to create a parody which is so complex and hilarious! Bravo!
