Saturday 13 June 2020


Hello, and welcome to this special lockdown edition of The Autolycan. You've probably noticed that newspapers and magazines are full of helpful suggestions for things to do in lockdown, and The Autolycan is no exception! So in this edition we're going to make an earworm. Or two. It's all about songs from the movies – well, two particular movies – Cabaret and Chicago. But you've got to do some work this time, because in order to make the songs come alive you've got to add the music to the words. You can do this alone, in the family, in your bubble, round the piano, from your balcony, in a street get-together with neighbours (properly distanced of course!) - the list is endless! If you've forgotten the music to any of these songs, I've included links to relevant YouTube clips at the end. Enjoy your earworm!





Emcee : Dominic Cummings

Sally Bowles : Boris Johnson

Mama Morton : Donald Trump

Roxie Hart : Michael Gove

Amos Hart : Dominic Raab

Billy Flynn : Rishi Sunak


Roxie Hart and Sally Bowles are both desperate to be Prime Minister, and both are quite happy to stab their rival in the back to prevent her succeeding. When the post falls vacant, Sally employs Roxie's former assistant – Emcee – to run her campaign and subsequently act as power behind the throne. But her premiership turns farcical when she is required to deal with a major pandemic. So, come to the cabaret.......



Fick dich! Fous toi! Fuck off!

Sally recruited me and then snuck off.

I must say, it makes me mad

That they call me her senior SPAD

When truth be told and quite bizarrely

I'm happy to be called Svengali!

I've mastered political survival

I used to boss Roxie – Sally's rival.

From loyalty I'm wholly free

And rules don't apply to me

Even when some stupid arse'll

Track my trip to Barnard Castle!

Meine damen und herren, mes dames et messieurs, ladies and gentlemen. I introduce to you my protegĂ©, Sally Bowles, who wants to tell you how much she wanted to be a Prime Minister! You don't believe that someone like Sally can possibly be Prime Minister? Well, with me in charge she can! 

Sally Bowles/Boris Johnson

Maybe this time, I will triumph,

Victor ludorum, I'll be first!

Maybe this time - it must be my time! -

Rivals will be accursed!

I'll get sworn in, fast,

Destiny met at last.

Not a minion any more

But the guy at the top of the very top drawer.

Everybody loves old Boris

So everybody loves me!

Boris PM! Boris happy!

That's what I long to be!

I'm entitled, went to Eton,

I'm the right sort of cove!

I'll inherit, I am Chosen....

I am destined.....

To kick the shit out of Gove!


And now, ladies and gentlemen. With Sally in post as Prime Minister, she looks across the ocean to renew a Special Relationship with the Baron of Bombast, the King of Chaos, the Leader of the Free World....... well, that's what it says here....

Mama Moreton/Donald Trump

Got a little motto, just right for a Brit,

Try to mess with Donald,

He'll treat you just like shit!

There's a lot of favours you're equipped to do,

You do one for Donald,

Then another, too!

Chlorinated chicken, hormone treated beef,

You say you won't accept it.

Just bow down to the chief!

I don't like opposition, especially from you,

Disagree with Donald,

You'll disappear from view!

So what's the one conclusion, unless you tell me yes?

Donald puts the boot in –

And takes the NHS!


And now, ladies und gentlemen. They say you shouldn't make enemies on the way up – you might meet them again on the way down. But they never said that to Sally.... and Roxie Hart has not forgotten......

Roxie Hart/Michael Gove

The name on everybody's lips, it shoulda been – Govey!

The name right at your fingertips, it shoulda been – Govey!

I wanna be a superstar, that means having my name up in lights -

I'd be on telly every day, but Boris thinks it's his by rights!

The virus needs a fall guy - ain't a-gonna be Govey

Who says betrayal's not an art?

And if I have to take the flak

Who's gonna stab him in the back?

Roxie 'Govey' Hart!


But then ladies und gentlemen, Sally falls ill with a mystery virus and somebody has to take over. Roxie sees her chance, but no, Sally wants not Roxie Hart but Amos Hart, probably because most people don't have a clue who he is!

Amos Hart/Dominic Raab

If someone stood in for the boss

Most folks would give a sort of toss

And if he answered PMQs

You'd notice him.

If someone gave the wrong advice

Was found to be quite imprecise

But still gave loads of interviews

You'd notice him.

Sunak and Hancock often get a break

Even Patel – though that's hard to take

I don't know how I manage to stay sane

No recognition of my Megabrain!


Mr Megabrain

Not that I'm too vain

Mr Megabrain

I can shout and bellow

Be tough or mellow

And no-one gives a damn!


Mr Megabrain

Couldn't be more plain

Mr Megabrain

I've got credentials

Cover the essentials

And no-one gives a damn!


But, ladies and gentlemen, the virus takes hold! People die in their thousands! Businesses close, jobs are lost, the economy......... ah, the economy......... what can we do about the economy, it will need a a financial wizard, a necromancer, a sorcerer........

Billy Flynn/Rishi Sunak

Give 'em the young Dishy Rishi

Dishy Rishi 'em!

Give 'em an act with lots of glittering

They'll never know how much you're frittering.

Give 'em the old business rate relief

Hug and comfort 'em

How can they argue if they've got the cash?

Why not dispel their sorrow – most of it -

Though you will have to borrow most of it?

Dishy Rishi 'em

With a lot of panache!

Give 'em the old four fifths furlough

Dishy Rishi 'em!

Though their concerns are only workaday

Everyone loves a mortgage holiday!

Give 'em the chance to put off payments,

Blind and dazzle 'em

When you're in trouble find someone to blame!

Make sure they feel both wined and dined

Though later you'll have to rob them blind

Dishy Rishi 'em

And you can bask in the fame!


And that concludes our show, ladies and gentlemen! But always remember that just like these fine folks here, you can like the life you're living, you can live the life you like, because life is just a cabaret old chum! Good night!


Clips can be found at

Wilkommen :

Maybe This Time :

When You're Good to Mama :

Roxie :

Mr Cellophane :

Razzle Dazzle :

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