Sunday 2 February 2020


Hello, and welcome to another edition of The Autolycan.  Given what's going on either side of the Atlantic I thought a bit of topical comment might be in order, and I've based it on Ron Moody's wonderful performance as Fagin in the 1968 film Oliver!  Here he is Reviewing The Situation -  It gets better every time I watch it.

Hope you enjoy this edition of the blog, and if so do feel free to pass it on or Like it on Facebook.  Thanks.

after Ron Moody

A guy's super smart, isn't he?
A winner with heart, isn't he?
And I'm always the first one to say that I'm really a saint,
Though they paint me so black that they always run clean out of paint.

Ain't reviewing no situation
To my brilliance there ain't no mystery,
I get love and infatuation,
I'm the greatest President in history.
I play around with Stormy
And the masses still adore me,
Pelosi's got it in for me
I'll give her a lobotomy,
I'm really very devious -
A very stable genius!
No way I'm gonna think it out again!

A man's got ambition, hasn't he?
Guile and cognition, hasn't he?
And I wasn't quite sure if I wanted to Leave or Remain -
But Leave gave the best chance of Boris's personal gain.

I'm renewing the British nation,
And though I rather tend to flippancy
And I often lose concentration,
I still think I'm right up there with Winston C.
May pushed off with a final gasp,
And untold power was in my grasp,
I grasped it rather sloppily
But Brexit was vox populi
I haven't really thought about
What happens now that WE ARE OUT.....
But can't be arsed to think it out again!

A Queen's dignified, isn't she?
Aghast, horrified, isn't she?
And one gnashes one's teeth, throws a wobbler and rages and snarls
When one looks at the national shambles that's coming to Charles.

One's reviewing ones situation,
One's getting rather pissed orf with the press,
Where they ought to show adulation
They point out that the monarchy's a mess.
It's true the year's been bumpy
And it's made one rather grumpy,
And the Sussexes have buggered off
And left one in a frightful trough
No parallel in all one's puff -
One's 93, one's had enough!

And if Andrew's going to fornicate
It must be time to abdicate -

One's far too old to think it out again!

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